Sensibilizar, conscientizar e preservar... Interdisciplinalidade Explorando a caatinga Geografia in loco e préhistória |
quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010
Uma viagem ao passado
quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010
Geotrilhas visiting Carnaúba May 2009
Geotrilhas and Carlos
Geotrilhas visiting Carnaúba, Fundões, Xique-Xique I and Monte do Galo. We spent at least 6 hours, hiking, enjoying the nature, bathing in Fundões (Canions' rock forming) during the winter season is a nice place to relax in the waterfall, engravings in low relief. Next we set-off to having lunch in Damiao's restaurant, after that we visited one of the most significant rock art paintings, a beautiful archaeological site from Northeast Tradition, Xique-Xique I. In the end of the day, we climbed up to Rooster's mountain in order to see the sunset. Furthermore information access the website blog
Geotrilhas visitando Carnaúba, Fundões, Xique-Xique I e Monte do Galo. Passamos pelo menos 6 horas, caminhamos, curtimos natureza, tomamos banho nos fundões (formação rochosa de canions), durante o período das chuvas é um belo lugar pra relaxar na cachoeira, gravuras em baixo relevo. Em seguida saim para almoçar no restaurante do Damião, depois visitamos uma das mais significantes pinturas rupestres, um belo sítio arqueológico da tradição Nordeste, Xique-Xique I. No final do dia, subimos o monte do Galo para ver o por do sol. Para maiores informações acessem o blogue
Retrospective, Cardao's Expeditions
Saulo, Carlos Sertão, Júlio and Dean
Sunday 5th September r2009: Furna do Messias Expedition (Messias’ Grotto)
Sharp 1:00 p:m we set-off to Cardao, to be more specific we went to explore one of the most beautiful archaeological site with rock art paintings belongs to Northeast Tradition, very similar to Serra da Capivara style in São Raimundo, Piauí State. After riding and hiking over 15 kilometres far from the town (Carnaúba dos Dantas) we reached at Furna do Messias. We shot pictures around the shelter and after that, Dean fixed some coffee. In the evening fall we ate meat and we returned home at 6 p:m. Check out our expedition and feel to suggest, comment and pass our website blog for friends. See you the next adventure.
Yellow and red rock art paintings (pinturas rupestres amarela e vermelha)
Sex scene (cena de sexo)
Retrospective, Potes' Expedition
check out the new archaeological rock art shelter discovered by Caatinga's Adventure. As of the august we will go to explore the region called Potes in order to find out new sites and register by picture the Aventureiros' Shelter.
quarta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2010
Introduction Part I
Images from Prehistory, Part I
Five hundred years ago, when European sailors reached the coast of what would later be known as Brazil, they met indigenous peoples who had lived there for at least five hundred centuries. Thousands of years of adaptation had allowed these peoples to accumulate the knowledge and survival techniques that formed the basis of the culture of population density and wide cultural diversity throughout the whole coastal region, which was the first to be colonised. Records left by missionaries, soldiers, civil servants, and travelers in the early sixteenth century bear witness to the way of life of these aboriginal groups, whose technology and customs were so different from those familiar to the Eupeans.
The meeting of these two groups resulted in a devastating clash of cultures. The original contexts and value systems in which the two cultures had been created were completely different. The indigenous peoples had concentrated primarily on perfecting processes that used natural resources to create a quality of life whose survival potential would be conserved. At the same time, they also developed myths in their search for answers to questions that have constantly been, from the outset, the contra concerns of and about human nature. Records of the themes that preoccupied those most were marked on the rock walls or archaeological sites, in the form of narrative paintings, and of figures of unrecognizable morphology. Their knowledge was transmitted by oral tradition and shared throughout the whole community, extending to all the small groups into which they were divided. Their common knowledge allowed them to maintain a lifestyle oriented towards sustaining equilibrium with other human groups, and which the environment. They were classless and casteless societies.
The people who came from Europe had an entirely different way of organizing themselves, based on different ways of accumulating wealth, which they derived from commercializing the resources extracted from nature, and the goods produced by human labor. Wealth was the guarantee of their survival potential. They had created a religious institution that was repressive, powerful, and had an immense, constant an uninterrupted temporal influence. Knowledge, transmitted in written form, was distributed according to a rigid social stratification, which supported a hierarchical power system through the accumulation of capital and the control of technological knowledge.
terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2010
Rock art paintings
Archaeology by Anne Merrie-Pessis
It’s redundant to say that Carnaúba is a touristic town, be it in Religious Tourism, such as Monte do Galo, on the other hand by several archaeological sites spread around the Carnauba’s territory.
Let’s talking about Fundões, it is a rock forming of canyons and during the period of rain seasons it possible bath in its clean waters. Climbing up the stream is possible to see several rock art paintings and engravings. Take a look the pictures below and comment. See you next week.
Expedição Bojo/Casa Santas
Engravings in low relief (gravuras em baixo relevo)
Shelter (abrigo)
Casa Santa
Bird (pássaro)
Rock art shelter Casa Santa (Abrigo com pinturas rupestre Casa Santa)
It's time to have lunch (Hora do almoço)
Engravings (gravuras)
Coffee break (intervalo para o café)
Roteiro Serido
O Seridó abriga a caatinga, único bioma no mundo, exclusivamente Brasileiro. A caatinga é um tipo de formação vegetal com características bem definidas: árvores baixas e arbustos que, geralmente, perdem sua folhagem na estação da seca. Durante as primeiras chuvas no começo do ano, a caatinga perde aspecto grosseiro e rapidamente torna-se verde e florido.
Na caatinga do Seridó, há muitos sítios arqueológicos, equivocadamente sinais de uma cultura antiga. De acordo com Câmara Cascudo, os índios chamavam as rochas com as letras, desenhos e figuras geométricas encontradas nas rochas e cavernas do interior itaquatiara. Na língua falada pelos índios significa pedra gravada. Para mais informação visite o site:
Mirante Cabeço do Cabim
Mirante Cabeço do Capim
Expedição Riacho do Olho d'água, nascente do açude Monte Alegre que abastece o município de Carnaúba dos Dantas! O mirante localiza-se no cabeço do Capim.
Riacho do Olho d'água, mouth of Monte Alegre dam it supplies the municipality of Carnaúba dos Dantas, The overlook situated at the top of Grass mountain.
Petroglyphs (Riacho do Bojo)
Dean, Getulio and Gilson
Sunset (Talhado do Gaviao)