segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011


As I've been posted I was in a hurry, pretty busy that's why after the walkways' infrastructure I worked a lot guiding people on tour and also organizing the tourism in my town, well check it out how important is to develop the Sustainable Tourism in the Seridó Region, that's why the capital has more infrastructure of hotels, pousadas and restaurants. 

Almost seven years after starting the “interiorizing” of tourism in Rio Grande do Norte, the Project begins to bear fruit. Following the steps of the Program Roteiros do Brasil (Routes in Brazil by the Ministry of Tourism), the project created five poles of development, from which three have stood out: Pole Costa das Dunas, Costa Branca and Seridó. Investments of around R$ 114 million of the Tourism Development Program – Prodetur have been planned for those three niches alone.

The technical coordinator of the State Bureau of Tourism, Carmem vera Araújo, explains that this work used to be done from town to town, which ended up making more difficult to develop tourism in the towns. The creation of the poles proved to be great help to speed up the process creating managing resources in each one of niches.

“According to the Ministry, we had to have three pole which already had more or less developed touristic products and that would be more prepared to host visitors. We started with Costa das Dunas, Seridó and Costa Branca. To each one of them, local councils of tourism were created with members from all municipalities that were part of the pole. That makes decision easier”, explains the administrator.

Through a partnership between Mtur and SEBRAE, the State of government began to develop several actions in those poles, such as qualifications to business people and support to events held within the region. “We planned new touristic routes for commercialization, worked on the development of new business, preparing and qualifying them,” she lists. The work began in 2004.

The pole Costa das Dunas is the biggest among the five poles and is made up 20 municipalities. Focusing on sun-and-sea type of tourism, the region had already been developed, even before the beginning of the program Roteiros do Brazil (Routes in Brazil), Natl and Tibau do Sul are considered the destinations which triggered this pole and are amongst the 65 most desired in the country. According to Vera, the beauty of the dunes, cliffs and lakes is the best natural attraction in the region. 

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